Romantically Apocalyptic Wiki

The Other Survivors are groups of survivors that are scattered through-out the wasteland. So far, only two groups have been shown.


  • Group #1 was a cult (based around an ingredients label from a lemonade bottle). They were living in the tunnelsystem below the ruined cityscape. The leader of this group was smashed by a burning monorail train with a jet engine strapped to the top, crashing into their 'church'. The group believed that Captain who emerged from that train was their "great prophet Lemonade", who had returned to make them delicious. Only after Captain treated the cult terribly, they threw him into the 'Pit of sugary death'. The Captain survived though, by drinking all the contents of the pit with his straw. The group still exists. ( It's shown that sometime in the future, a sect of cavemen is worshipping Captain and spreading the legend of him escaping the death pit. )
  • Group #2 was encountered by Mr. Snippy when he was out looking for supplies from a list provided by Captain. This group had their own leader and at least 3 more members. They tied up Snippy to a chair probably for later interrogation. When the sniper tried to escape by tipping his chair over, one of the group's members discovered him and suggested a beating. Cancer's first ever appearance interrupted any punishment of Snippy, since it killed probably the whole group when it showed up. It is unknown whether there are any survivors of that group left, it is very unlikely, though. The group seemed to do a good job at gathering guns and supplies, they must have had at least one working generator for electricity, and they had several flasks of highly flameable substances stored in their hideout. Said hideout was destroyed in the battle between Cancer and Mr. Snippy.